Shamanic Healing Session
Shamanism is an ancient healing modality. It seeks to see where we are out of balance with the natural world around us. And where we are out of balance within ourselves.
Being out of balance can show up as mood swings, depression for no reason, loss of hope, bad luck, sudden health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, etc.
Shamanism works with the energies of the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire & Water), animals, beings of Mother Earth (plants, trees, rocks, etc), Ancestors and Spiritual guides to assist in clearing and shifting of your energy systems to be returned to a more harmonious state of being. A state of Lightness and Hope.
The Shamanic Healing Session can encompass: Removing of Lower Energy Entities, Soul Retrieval, Cord Extraction, Clearing Contracts & Agreements that no longer serve, Clearing Past Lives, and a thorough Cleansing of all Energy Systems.
Our energy systems can get clogged or bogged down due to continuous stress, abuse, trauma, substance abuse, relationships and just trying to live life in these interesting times we are all in right now.
Sessions can be in person or virtual.
60 minutes - $150
15-minute Consultation Call - $25
Shamanic Journeying
Journey work is a foundation of Shamanic Healing. During a Shamanic Journey, you look within for the answers and assistance you need.
The continuous drumbeat helps the body and mind to relax and enter the Theta State to receive messages or information related to your inquiry.
The Karen will drum and guide you on your journey to seek the answers to the questions or issues discussed in the consultation prior to the journey.
Don’t worry if you have never taken a Shamanic Journey before, Karen will be there to explain the process, guide you into the Journey, watch over you and assist you to piece together the information for you to utilize in your life.
75 Min $175
House/Land/Space Clearings and Blessing
Land and buildings are a vibration, a frequency. They can hold energy just like me and you. Houses, buildings, and land can hold the energy of people and events that happened long ago. And can benefit in being cleared just like we benefit from a cleansing.
Has your home been feeling stagnant? Or weird?
Do you have a new home or apartment that you want cleared of prior occupants energy?
Do you have a wedding or event where you would like the space to be clean and clear?
Karen, working with the Spirit Guides of the land and the frequency of the building(s), can remove any lower, stuck energy from the land and the building(s) on it. She will also bring in blessings to replace the negative energies. The session would be by Zoom/phone only.
60 Min $200
Reiki Session
Usui Reiki w/Holy Fire is an energy modality used to assist the healing of the physical body, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Karen is trained in both Usui and Karuna Reiki, modalities that she uses with Holy Fire.
It is a gentle and effective technique for stress-reduction, promoting relaxation, calmness, peace and restoring a can-do attitude.
Reiki is helpful in speeding up physical recovery from injury or illness.
Sessions can be in-person or virtual.
60 min $150
Past Life Exploration Session
Unfinished lessons from a past life can affect our current life. We may be revisiting a past uncompleted lesson in this lifetime to finally clear the lesson. Or we can be holding the energy of a past life in our energy field and it can be causing a blockage/stagnation of our chakras or auric field.
Understanding the past life can help us to move forward in our current life by knowing or addressing or clearing the past life.
Sometimes, when we can clear the energy of a past life, it can help us move through difficulties in our current life that were related to the past life.
Or we can gain understanding of why we have made certain choices in this life based on a past life.
We may sometimes gain knowledge of the people and relationships we have chosen in this life in relation to past lives.
Karen will guide you in finding a past life and the information from that life to assist you in your current life.
Sessions can be in-person or virtual.
75 Min $200
Angelic Healing Session
This Healing Session calls in the beautiful energy of the Angelic Realm.
We call in the Angels (Archangels , Warrior Angels, Galactic Angels, Guardian Angels, Healing Angels, etc) to assist in whatever healing you may be needing. Be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.
Now make no mistake, the Angelic Realm can be very loving, but they can also “tell it like it is.” So, there may be messages received by you or Karen that may sting but it comes from a place of promoting your growth.
Sessions can be in-person or virtual.
60 min $150